Cyra, TUTOROO Chinese / Mandarin Tutor in Singapore
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Lives in Singapore
 Since  January 2024
Tutor from Singapore
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Chinese / Mandarin



Chinese/mandarin tutor with 4 years of experience

Private Chinese / Mandarin Tutor in Singapore and Online

Hi! I'm a Chinese tutor with 5 years of private tutoring experience. I specialize in teaching IGCSE/GCSE and IB syllabuses, as well as HSK and other Chinese language qualification exams.
For the past two years, I've worked with Chinese tuition centers across Asia with their curriculum planning and lesson design. Having lived in Shanghai, I am a native Chinese speaker who's also familiar with Chinese culture and life in China.
Since I'm bilingual, I can more easily assist my students with grammar, pronunciation, writing, vocabulary, and even start from the basics. I'm familiar with the Chinese curriculum taught in schools such as UWC, SAS, IFS, CIS, Dulwich, etc, as well as local primary and secondary schools. My current and past students have achieved significant improvements in their Chinese grades.
I truly believe that Chinese is a beautiful language that doesn't necessarily require repetition and forced memorization. So many components of this subject can be learned through simple guidance and common sense. I hope that my approach to Chinese tutoring will make it an enjoyable subject for students, and they will find interest and appreciation for this language the same way I do.
Feel free to contact me to start your language-learning journey!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Chinese / Mandarin easy to learn?

Chinese is definitely not an easy language, but with the right method, you can make great progress in a short period of time.

How much time does it take to learn Chinese / Mandarin in Singapore?

Chinese, like all other languages, isn't something that can be mastered just by attending an hour of tuition every week. The most important aspect of learning Chinese is constant exposure to the language, you can do so by practising on your own at home without your tutor, solidifying your knowledge by revisiting the previous lessons taught, reading Chinese books and watching Chinese TV shows etc.

50 SGD
per hour

Tutor available
  for 2 more
students only!

Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:

Student's place or online

Contact Cyra Now

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