Beja, TUTOROO Czech Tutor in Prague
Contact Beja
Lives in Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic
 Since  June 2023
Tutor from Czechia





Czech language for all levels of competency

Private Czech Tutor in Prague and Online

Hello! Thank you for reading my profile information. Right off the bat, I would like to clarify that I accept all students no matter their ethnicity, race, immigrant status, gender, sexuality, religion, level of physical or mental disability, etc. they identify as. I am a very curious and reflective person and I will do my best to create a respectful environment in the classroom and learn from my mistakes. I believe that as a teacher, I should stay open-minded and learn as much as I can from my students.

I had taught on Tutoroo in the past before taking a longer break after which I wanted to go back into teaching. I also have two years of experience teaching Czech to Indian, Japanese, and Chinese immigrants in my city of Olomouc, as well as teaching English as a second language in Morocco.

My students have come from a variety of different environments and have spoken many different languages. I would also like to use my own knowledge of languages such as Hindi, Spanish, German, and Japanese to be better able to relate to my students' struggles.

I am open to adjusting my teaching style to the student's competency level and personal goals. (for communication, travel, attaining a language certificate, etc.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it difficult to learn Czech in Prague?

I acknowledge that the Czech Republic is not the most welcoming place for people from other countries, which can make learning Czech difficult. I also acknowledge that Czech has especially difficult grammar and pronunciation for some. However, I believe that with dedicated practice and with the help of a tutor in a city where Czech is the majority language, it is possible to make progress in learning Czech. I have seen it happen before, as my students acquired their desired language certificates and settled down in different Czech cities. I also think that since native speakers of Czech understand that their language is hard, people who are brave enough to study it will receive an abundance of compliments and inspiring words, which can make the learning journey more pleasant.

How much time does it take to learn Czech in Prague?

I think this depends on the frequency and effort at which a student learns the language, as well as their prior knowledge of the language or other similar languages. One may not start speaking perfectly from day one, but to native speakers, even if a learner of Czech speaks with mistakes, the message is usually understandable and therefore any amount of effort should be rewarded.

300 CZK
per hour

Tutor available
  for 5 more
students only!

Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:

I prefer to meet my students online since I do not live in Prague, and I am also disabled and have limited mobility. If there is anyone from Olomouc, we could even meet in person :)

Contact Beja Now

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